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April 2, 2014
Check out the Ways to Save Money at Barley and Vine

Liquid Yeast
($1-$5 Off)

White Labs
Liquid Yeast
($2 Off)
Brewers Corner: Helpful Ideas for Better Brewing!
When making an all-grain batch with pale ale malt and specialty grains, the enzymes which convert the starches into the fermentable sugars play an important role. Typically, when making a Pale Ale with Pale Ale malt, there are plenty of enzymes to do the conversion job.
Now if you are making a Wheat beer with more than 40% white wheat, the available enzymes become important. The malt grains are the only grains providing enzymes to break down the starches in the malt AND the white wheat. The 60/40 malt to white wheat ratio is pretty much the most white wheat you can use without over-taxing the enzymes from the malt. Quite often, brewers will use 6-Row malt for the extra enzymes to help convert the extra wheat starches.
(Click here to learn more about "Brewing with Wheat")
click here for information
These grains are available for you at Barley and Vine:
Irish Distillers Malt
Canadian Malting Distillers Malt
Standard 2-Row Malt
Standard 6-Row Malt
Rahr Malting Red Wheat

Next time you're at Barley & Vine, be sure to stop by the grain room and check out all of the different malts, hops, and yeasts available for you to use on your next brewing session.
Does Barley and Vine have Hops?!?!

Each of the top three shelves of this fridge holds
21 different hops each.
Hops are available in pellets, whole hop flowers
You can buy Hops by the ounce, fraction of an ounce,
or by the pound.

Want to learn something new?
Sign up for one of our great classes!
Want to keep up with all the great new craft beers arriving at Barley and Vine?
Clay is our new beer department guy
and sends out a regular (possibly 1x/week)
"Barley and Vine Beer Alerts"Be sure to stop by the Growler Bar and sign up for for FREE!
Also, everytime you make a purchase in the beer department,you can put another entry in our weekly drawing.
We draw five tickets and notify each winner by phone.
Prizes include:
Free Brewing or Winemaking or Cheese Making Classes
Free 64oz. or 32oz. Growler (empty)
Free Brewery Pub Glass

March 25, 2014
When your Income Tax Return Arrives
Idea #1 - Kick the bottle and get into Kegging!
While we all began packaging our beloved home brew in 12oz. bottles, think about the time you'll save by kegging your brew! Just clean and sanitize your 5-gallon keg. Fill, Carbonate and Serve. It's THAT easy! You can also "Dry Hop" right into your keg and begin enjoying the most flavorful brews right at home!

Idea #2 - Take your brewing up a notch and get into All-Grain!
One of my favorite sayings is, "brewing your own beer is only as complicated as you make it." With this 8 gallon kettle, you will have the built-in thermometer, spigot, false bottom, and torpedo hop strainer you need to make the easiest and BEST all-grain brew!
'Tis that Time of the Year to Brew...

Does Barley and Vine have Hops?!?!

Want to learn something new?
Sign up for one of our great classes!
Want to keep up with all the great new craft beers arriving at Barley and Vine?
Clay is our new beer department guy and sends out a regular (possibly 1x/week) "Barley and Vine Beer Alerts"Be sure to stop by the Growler Bar and sign up for for FREE!
Also, everytime you make a purchase in the beer department,you can put another entry in our weekly drawing. We draw five tickets and notify each winner by phone.
Prizes include:
Free Brewery Pub Glass

When your Income Tax Return Arrives Decisions...Decisions...Decisions...

Idea #1 - Kick the bottle and get into Kegging!

Idea #2 - Take your brewing up a notch and get into All-Grain!
IPA - Kolsch - Pale Ale
Click Here and Check Out the Brewing Style Calendar
Check out these easy to make Home Brew Ingredient Kits!
KB033 Lagunitas IPA Clone
KB400 Sweetwater IPA Clone
KB065 Southern Tier 2X IPA Clone
KB915 German Kolsch
KB420 Sweetwater 420 Pale Ale Clone
KB054 Heavy Seas Powder Monkey Pale Ale Clone
If you've never brewed before and would like to learn how, Barley and Vine has regularly scheduled Basic Brewing Classes that will equip you with the skill and know-how you need to successfully brew your first batch. When you schedule your brew class, you can bring a friend FOR FREE! Click here to see the schedule!
Barley & Vine
1st Annual Brew Competition
April 4, 5 and 6, 2014
April 5: ( 2 pm - 6 pm) 1st Round Judging
April 6: (2 pm - 5 pm) Final Round Judging
April 6: ( 6 pm - until ) Awards Party
In a pinch for time...and REALY want to BREW this weekend?
At Barley and Vine, you can truly
"Have your cake and eat it, too!"

Just go to www.BarleyNvine.com and order your kit today. Orders placed before 1:00pm will be picked up by FedEx or UPS at 4:00pm and start heading your way. You'll receive a tracking number so you will know where your stuff is every step of the way. Most orders are delivered in only a day or two! Michael is the Barley and Vine Internet Sales guy and if you need expedited shipping, Michael
Chilean Juices available by Special Order.

Don't delay in ordering yours today.
These juices are only available once per year.
(Ordering Deadline March 31
Estimated arrival 1st week of May.
It all depends upon weather conditions and when the grapes are ready to pick.
Click here for more details.
What's New at Barley and Vine?
There are some things we have to keep secret for a while longer, here are a few things we can share:
8 Gallon Stainless Steel Fermenter with Built in Spigot
750 ML Clear French Massalia Style Wine Bottles
Cool Brewing Fermentation Cooler
Black and Tan Extravagan
New Clone Brew Kits!
You asked, we obliged! 2 Brand New Brew Clone Kits:

SweetWater Georgia Brown and Heavy Seas Loose Cannon
Barley and Vine's 1st Annual Brew Competition
All participants and friends are invited to participate in the final judging and awards ceremony, which will be held at 940 Plymouth Drive, Jonesboro, GA 30236 on April 6, 2014 starting at 6:00 pm.
Judging and Stewarding
We also invite you to participate in judging or stewarding at our pre-judging events. To find out more, please call 770-507-5998 or email us at [email protected]. This is a great way to learn a lot about the judging process.Entries
All entries must be received at Barley and Vine during normal business hours starting Monday, March 10, 2014 at 10:00 AM and ending Monday, March 31, 2014 at 6:00 PM. All entries must be bottled in plain un-labeled 12 ounce brown beer bottles with crown caps. We will have entry slips for you to affix to your bottles when you bring in your beer.Beer Style Guidelines
1. Light Lager | 8. English Pale Ale | 15. German Wheat and Rye Beer | 22. Smoke-Flavored and Wood-Aged Beer |
2. Pilsner | 9. Scottish and Irish Ale | 16. Belgian and French Ale | 23. Specialty Beer |
3. European Amber Lager | 10. American Ale | 17. Sour Ale | |
4. Dark Lager | 11. English Brown Ale | 18. Belgian Strong Ale | |
5. Bock | 12. Porter | 19. Strong Ale | |
6. Light Hybrid Beer | 13. Stout | 20. Fruit Beer | |
7. Amber Hybrid Beer | 14. India Pale Ale IPA | 21. Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer |
Entry Limit
There is a limit of 100 entries for this competition. Each entrant is limited to two (2) entries for this competition. An entry is considered 2 bottles of the same beer. Cost per entry is $5.00. Entry fees will be used to pay the expenses of the event and most importantly PRIZES! Judging Pre-judging will occur on April 4th and 5th. Exact times will be announced as we get closer to the event.Awards and Prizes
A trophy will be awarded for the 1st place winners and ribbons for 2nd and 3rd place. Prizes will also be awarded. Details regarding prizes will be posted closer to the time of the competition.Questions
If you have questions, or we have left out some important information, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (770) 507-5998.Although this is not an AHA sanctioned event. Our judges will be well qualified to judge beer. More details regarding these judges will be posted on our website as we received absolute confirmation of their participation. Although this is our first competition here at Barley and Vine, we have had a great deal of experience hosting beer and wine competitions.
Older News
Ethan has been busy building up three new BrewCat Brewing Ingredient Kits for you to brew and enjoy. For starters, he just rolled out the Zippity Zythos IPA ingredient kit which uses the new Zythos hops.
Zythos hops are a fairly new variety with flavoring and aroma characteristics that many consider the "Best of the Best" for American Pale Ales and IPA's. Zythos hops sport distinctive Citrus, Floral, Pine, Grapefruit, Tropical and Tangerine character. Think of the possibilities...
Ethan didn't stop there, he also completed the Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout Clone Ingredient Kit. This easy to brew kit produces a silky smooth mouth-feel due to the oats. It has a bittersweet malty finish that is well balanced with the Kent Golding bittering hops.
And to top it all off Ethan put the finishing touches on a Rogue Mocha Porter Clone Ingredient Kit that is something you'll want to brew now so it will be ready to enjoy when the summer weather finally cools. This beer sports a ruddy brown color which is complemented by a bittersweet balance of malt and hops with a light cream finish. For more fun, Pick up a six-pack and enjoy a few Rogue Mocha Porters while you're brewing a batch! Enjoy some Rogue Mocha Porter now, and a whole batch later!
Ahhh... The Beers of Summer Every month, there's a classic beer style that was designed to go perfectly with our seasons and the range of weather each season brings. And the hot and humid summer months are no different. When you get done working out in the garden OR after completing an amazing round of golf, there are several classic beer styles that will fit the bill perfectly:
Summer Ale: A crisp, refreshing beer typically with mild hops and sporting a lighter body. This thirst quenching brew is often made with pilsner and wheat malts. Because of the wheat, it can have a slight haze. It is lightly hopped and is best brewed with a fairly high attenuating yeast, such as German Ale (Wyeast 1007), American Wheat (Wyeast 1010), or French Saison (3711). These Summer Ales are easy beers to brew and they're ready for you to enjoy within 2-3 weeks after brewing. Three tasty Summer Ales ingredient kits are available for you right now at your friendly neighborhood Barley and Vine: Summer Ale Ingredient Kit American Light Ingredient Kit Mexican Cerveza Ingredient Kit
A fine companion to your favorite Summer Ale kit is your own copy of the "Brewing Classic Styles" book. (click book pix above for details)
Saison: An amazing beer style that will satisfy even the discriminating palates of our wine lovers. After the first time I tasted Sorachi Ace Saison from Brooklyn Brewing, I was never the same. This light, effervescent brew was clean, spicy and thoroughly refreshing. It sports hints of lemon and subtle pepper in the background. Treat your taste buds this week with a fresh growler of Sorachi Ace. (you may wish to get 2, because this beer doesn't last long!) Tank 7 is another fine example of a Saison or as it's often called "Farmhouse Ale!" It's a beer you'll surely want to brew several times this summer. The Sorachi Ace Saison Clone Ingredient Kit is available: Farmhouse Ales - The Book Sorachi Ace Clone Ingredient Kit Tank 7 by Boulevard Brewing
Lagunitas IPA Clone: The recipe was formulated with malt and hops working together to balance it all out on your �buds so you can knock back more than one without wearing yourself out. Big on the hop aroma with a hoppy-sweet finish that�ll leave you wantin� another sip. It's a beer you'll surely want to brew several times this summer. Two easy to brew Beer Ingredient Kits are available for your next brewing adventure: Lagunitas IPA Clone Ingredient Kit Sweetwater 420 Clone Ingredient Kit
To Learn More About Brewing Beer, Barley & Vine offers Brewing Classes For a VERY reasonable price
Our next class is... Saturday, January 11 at 11:00am (click here for details)
During this class, you'll have the opportunity to roll up your sleeves and really be involved in brewing a fresh batch of beer!
In fact, we'll be using the 6-piece kettle set in the article below...
Bump Up Your Brewing Skills to the Next Level (and take advantage of a pretty nice sale, too!)
Experienced brewers have found that by boiling the full amount of beer produces a lighter color and other benefits. For a 5-6 gallon batch, an 8 gallon or the 10 gallon brew kettle is just the size you need. When cooling your brew, it is important to keep track of the temperature of your freshly brewed beer. Having a built-in kettle thermometer safes you the trouble of taking the lid off the kettle and checking the temperature. Also, when you venture into all-grain brewing, you'll know the exact temperature of your mash Having a kettle spigot helps you transfer the brew directly into your fermentor with minimal exposure to the outside elements.
[fname], Barley and Vine now has these 8 Gallon Kettle Sets and the 10 Gallon Kettle Sets on Sale!
(For details, click the picture above)
Sometimes it's nice to have some wine bottled in the 1.5 Liter Wine Bottles
It also reduces bottling time. Each 1.5 Liter bottle holds just as much as one standard 750mL wine bottle. When hosting or attending dinner parties, the larger sized 1.5 Liter wine bottle cuts down on the bottles you need to hunt down and take home.
(click here for details)
Sometimes it's nice to have some wine bottled in the 1.5 Liter Wine Bottles
It also reduces bottling time. Each 1.5 Liter bottle holds just as much as one standard 750mL wine bottle. When hosting or attending dinner parties, the larger sized 1.5 Liter wine bottle cuts down on the bottles you need to hunt down and take home.
(click here for details)
What do you think about Barley & Vine scheduling monthly events for home brewers and folks who enjoy craft beer to get together to have a chance to share and taste others homebrews and possibly to include educational talks, workshops, and other interesting activities. If this interests you and/or you'd like to be involved, call Dan at 404) 547-4241
[fname], did you know, that once or twice a week, Barley & Vine sends out a Special Beer Alert to a small number of beer lovers.
Have you been left out of this opportunity of being the first to know when Dan has brought in tasty new craft beers... OR has just tapped that rare keg of brew you really want to try.
To be in the know for this exciting information: Stop by and sign up for the Barley & Vine "Beer Alerts" Send an eMail to [email protected] and let us know you don't want to be left out any more!