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Book Review - Making Wild Wines & Meads

I enjoyed reading this book because it not only told me what to use for the different wines and meads, it also cautioned about what not to use. This includes both equipment and ingredients. The book goes through each step in detail, starting with sterilizing and taking you through all the way through opening and tasting the wine. It tells you about all the ingredients you will need as well as what each ingredient does. The book starts with grape wines, then onto fruit wines and wines that include flowers, nuts and vegetables.

The book includes many recipes under each section, with both metric and U.S. units of measurement and suggests foods that go great with each recipe. The directions are straight, and to the point all the while sharing the details you need to make the best wine and mead. The mead section talks about the history, variations, and ingredients involved in meads, melomels, and metheglins as well as recipes for variations of the three. For herb wine, the book explains grape wine bases and lists which herbs are good matches for red wine, white wine, honey wine, and aperitif wine bases. Since wine coolers and wine punches being simple to make, this section is mainly comprised of the recipes for coolers and punches.

As a reader with little expertise in the art of winemaking, I found this book to be very helpful. It was a very educational read all the while keeping explanations short and to the point. There are so many great recipes that are easy to understand and I'm sure are easy to follow to get the wine or mead of which you desire.

- Liz Vallish